List of advanced workers of China Academy of Sciences and main advanced deeds
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丁瑞军 上海技术物理研究所研究员
王秋良 电工研究所研究员
近年来,承担了863计划、973计划等科研任务,并以第一完成人获得了国家、省部级科学技术奖励6项,获得国家发明专利 78项,授权专利35项。在国际、国内重要期刊上发表论文共233篇,其中SCI/EI收录215篇,论文他引354次。2008年撰写了专著《高磁场超导磁体科学》,2010年编著《热传导问题的有限元分析》,并参与了《中国材料工程大典》超导部分和《中国电气工程大典》第八卷部分章节的编写工作。
刘羽寅(女) 金属研究所研究员
It has undertaken to complete more than 30 national key supporting projects and major scientific and technological research projects for titanium alloy materials. Won more than ten national and provincial awards and honorary titles.
Zhuang Wenying (female), researcher of Institute of Microbiology and academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Zhuang Wenying, female, born in 1948, is a mass doctor. She is currently a researcher in the Key Laboratory of Fungal Lichen Systematics, Institute of Microbiology, China Academy of Sciences, and an academician of China Academy of Sciences.
He has been engaged in mycology research for more than 30 years, and has been determined to solve scientific problems on the road of scientific research. He has found 10 new genera, 174 new species and 18 new subspecies taxa of fungi, reported more than 270 new records of fungi in China, and clarified a lot of taxonomic and naming problems. Using the idea of integrated biology, this paper examines the systematical relationship of mollusca and other groups, puts forward new opinions and perfects the classification system of some groups. Comprehensive research on fungal resources and classification, species diversity, molecular systematics and database construction in tropical and northwest China has provided scientific basis for the utilization and development of natural resources in these areas and made selfless contributions to the construction and development of disciplines. She is a model and has a rigorous style of study, and has trained a large number of outstanding young talents.
闫保平(女) 计算机网络信息中心研究员
吴 季 空间科学与应用研究中心主任、研究员
张 忠 国家纳米科学中心研究员
李广谦 高能物理研究所党办主任、工会主席
杨 敏 生态环境研究中心研究员
杨国伟 力学研究所研究员
近年来承担了国家科技支撑计划重大项目“高速列车空气动力学优化设计及安全评估”及国家重点基础研究发展计划“时速500 公里条件下的高速列车基础力学问题研究”。研究设计的新一代高速列车头型方案已完成实车实验,大幅提升了气动性能,在高速列车运行安全性、平稳性、舒适性及对环境影响方面做出了突出贡献。
汪寿阳 数学与系统科学研究院副院长、研究员
在经济预测、金融管理、决策分析等领域提出了一系列新模型、方法和技术,例如他在多个经济预测领域的工作,其精度和准确性处于世界领先水平;领导的团队为国家发改委等多个政府部门研发了一批经济监测和预测预警决策支持系统,有效地支持了政府的科学决策和高效管理,受到高度好评。部分成果获得省部自然科学/科技进步奖一等奖3项和多项国际学术奖励。他先后被邀请担任包括顶级期刊Energy Economics在内的16种国际期刊的领域主编、执行主编和编委,当选为国际知识与系统科学学会理事长和多个国际学会的副理事长。
周 琪 动物研究所研究员
More than 50 research papers have been published; Undertaking major national projects such as 973 and 863; Won more than ten domestic and international awards such as the international genetically modified genOway award.
Zhou Weijian (female) Researcher of Institute of Earth Environment, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Zhou Weijian, female, born in 1953, is a member of Jiu San, and a doctor. She is currently the director and researcher of the State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and an academician of China Academy of Sciences.
He has been engaged in the application research of cosmogenic nuclides in earth sciences for a long time, and has made systematic innovations in the fields of 14C chronology, abrupt climate events and 10Be environmental tracing. After ten years’ hard work, Xi ‘an Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Center, jointly established by China Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry of Education, was established.
He presided over important national projects such as NSFC and Ministry of Science and Technology, and published more than 100 papers, 58 of which were included in SCI. He has won the second and third prizes of national natural science and five first prizes at provincial and ministerial levels. Since 2008, 42 proposals have been made to the government and 6 special reports have been made, which has provided strong scientific support for government decision-making.
Zhou Xingjiang, Research Fellow, Institute of Physics
Zhou Xingjiang, male, born in 1966, is a mass doctor. He is currently the director and researcher of the State Key Laboratory of Superconductivity, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
In cooperation with other research groups, the first ultra-high energy resolution vacuum ultraviolet laser angle-resolved photoelectron spectrometer was successfully developed by using the core technology with independent intellectual property rights in China, and its main performance was leading in the world. Using this equipment, Zhou Xingjiang and others have achieved important results in the research of high temperature superconductors and other materials. For example, a new electron coupling mode was observed in high temperature superconductor Bi2212, and the existence of Fermi pocket in high temperature superconductor Bi2201 was directly observed in angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy measurement for the first time.
In 2008, he was awarded the "Outstanding Youth Basic Science Award" by Zhou Guangzhao Foundation. In 2009, he was awarded the "Hu Gangfu Award" by the Chinese Physical Society.
Yu Shuhong Professor, China University of Science and Technology
Yu Shuhong, born in August 1967, party member, Zhi Gong Dang, Ph.D., is currently the vice president of School of Chemistry and Materials Science, University of Science and Technology of China, and the director and professor of nano-materials and chemistry research department of Hefei National Laboratory of Microscale Material Science (to be established).
In recent ten years, the research group led by him has made many innovative achievements in polymer controlled crystallization and biomimetic materials, inorganic synthesis and preparation, inorganic-organic composite materials, preparation and application of new carbon nanomaterials by biomass conversion, and has been reported by British Nature and American Chemical Engineering News.
Now, as the chief scientist or project host, he undertakes a number of major or key projects, such as major national research programs, national natural science foundation, and international cooperation of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Won the second prize of National Natural Science in 2010 and the Roy-Somiya Medal of International Hydrothermal-Solvothermal Federation in 2010. 218 papers have been published in international important journals such as Nature Materials.
Director and researcher of Gu Xingfa Institute of Remote Sensing Application
Gu Xingfa, male, born in 1962, is a doctor without party affiliation. He is currently the director of the Institute of Remote Sensing Application of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the director of the Space Remote Sensing Demonstration Center of the National Space Administration, a researcher, and an academician of the International Academy of Astronautics.
In the construction of civil space remote sensing demonstration theory and technical system; Calibration and authenticity testing technology; Remote sensing full link and whole process simulation and application system test; Multi-scale aerosol comprehensive observation and temporal and spatial distribution law; Research and development of remote sensing atmospheric multi-angle polarization detection technology system; Many achievements have been made in the construction of domestic satellite regional comprehensive application system. As the leader of the expert group of the application system, he organized the formulation of the implementation plan of the national major science and technology project "High-resolution Earth observation system"; The demonstration of "National Natural Disaster Spatial Information Infrastructure Project" for 2030 was carried out.
常 进 紫金山天文台研究员
阎锡蕴(女) 生物物理研究所研究员
Found and identified new target molecules and new functional antibodies of various tumors; The function of vascular endothelial CD146 molecule and its antibody and the three-dimensional structure of SARS virus were reported for the first time. The anti-melanoma humanized antibody was completed for the first time.
He presided over 863 "Tumor Antibody Drugs" and other major projects; He published 96 papers and won 12 invention patents. Relying on the invention patent of antiviral neutralizing antibody, we are jointly developing anti-infective drugs with Beijing Andiwei Biotechnology Co., Ltd., with an estimated market value of 200-300 million yuan. He was awarded the advanced individual of "Women’s Contribution" by Chinese Academy of Sciences, the second prize of Beijing Science and Technology, and the "Excellence Award for Women Inventors in the 4th New Century".
Researcher, Gewei Institute of Process Engineering
Ge Wei, male, born in 1970, a mass, doctor, is currently a researcher at the Institute of Process Engineering of China Academy of Sciences.
Complex systems and multi-scale structures are important basic research fields of process engineering, and they are also bottlenecks for engineering amplification and optimization. In view of its quantification and regulation, he presided over the construction of the first domestic multi-scale simulation system with a single precision peak exceeding one trillion times, and realized the networked computing of 10 similar systems in five cities across the country, which effectively promoted the application ability of supercomputing in China to enter the international advanced ranks. These systems not only serve the national science and technology support plan, major national projects and a number of important basic research, but also provide effective services for the process design and optimization of large enterprises such as Sinopec, PetroChina and Baosteel.
He has successively won the first basic science award for outstanding young people of Zhou Guangzhao Foundation and the P&G Young Particle Science Award of China Particle Society.
Fan Jie, Research Fellow, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Resources
Fan Jie, male, born in 1961, is a doctor without party affiliation. He is currently the director of the Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Analysis and Simulation of China Academy of Sciences, the director of the Sustainable Development Research Center of China Academy of Sciences, and a researcher at the Institute of Geography of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Adhere to the combination of scientific research and innovation with national demand, successfully completed the emergency task of evaluating the carrying capacity of resources and environment for post-disaster reconstruction in Wenchuan, Yushu and Zhouqu, and played an important scientific and technological support role in the development of major programs such as the main functional area planning and land (regional) planning, which was affirmed by the State Council, and the research results were adopted by national decision-making.
He is the chief scientist of the national science and technology support plan project, the national key natural science foundation project and the key project group of knowledge innovation project of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was awarded by the Chinese Academy of Sciences "Advanced Individual for Innovative Cultural Construction" and "Outstanding Scientific and Technological Achievement Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences" (outstanding contributor). Published more than 100 papers and works (departments).