On March 2nd, the Champion Edition of Qin PLUS DM-i 2023 came to Beijing, with five upheavals and four rejuvenating trends, opening a new era of China brand in the A sedan market!

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  As an A-car boutique created by BYD, the Beijing listing of Qin PLUS DM-i 2023 Champion Edition attracted the participation of many media and "Difen", and witnessed by regional dealers, partners and other guests, five Qin PLUS DM-i 2023 Champion Editions attracted the national tide charm.

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Group photo of guests

  As we all know, the domestic A-class car market has been a joint venture monopoly for a long time, and the listing of Qin PLUS DM-i 2023 Champion Edition has made many Chinese people see the hope that China brand will break the monopoly. Gao Xinyu, Beijing regional operation manager of BYD Auto Dynasty Network Sales Division, said, "Compared with traditional fuel vehicles, the energy-saving advantage of plug-in hybrid power is obvious. However, the price of plug-in hybrid vehicles on the market is mostly one level higher than that of fuel vehicles of the same class, and many consumers have finished the calculation ‘ Account ’ After that, I found it was better to buy a fuel car ‘ Cost-effective ’ . If the price of plug-in hybrid is knocked down, it will trigger a warm market response. Today, BYD has done it. "

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Gao Xinyu, Beijing Regional Operation Manager of BYD Auto Wangchao Sales Division.

  For BYD’s new product released this time, the reporter of CCID Research Institute-New Energy Automobile News, Ma Yan, who is also a BYD Tang EV user, praised it. "As a national brand, BYD understands the needs of the majority of car buyers. The release of the champion version of Qin PLUS DM-i can be said to give the majority of users who are ready to buy a car a perfect choice."

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  Self-confidence comes from strength; Commitment, after all, in reality! The reason why Qin PLUS DM-i 2023 Champion Edition can set off the storm of A-class cars lies in its own strength. The price of the champion version of Qin DM-i released this time dropped to less than 100,000 yuan for the first time, reaching the price hinterland of the joint venture fuel car, and realizing the "same price of oil and electricity" for the first time in the A sedan market, so that more consumers have the opportunity to experience the revolutionary product power of DM-i super hybrid with the "price of fuel car".

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  In addition to the "killer" with the same price of oil and electricity, the core advantage of Qin PLUS DM-i 2023 Champion Edition lies in the more intelligent and comfortable driving experience brought by "Five Subversion" and "Four Rejuvenation", which is more in line with the car habits and needs of China families.

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  "Fast, provincial, quiet, smooth and green" five subversive driving experiences, with an acceleration of 7.3s at zero speed, a fuel consumption of 3.8L at 100km and a comprehensive cruising range of 1245km, redefine the new standard of A sedan.

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Group photo of guests

  The four great rejuvenation, from the inside out, show the charm of the national tide.

  Yan Huanxin: The appearance of black jade blue and the color matching of warm sun brown interior are added, and the texture is full, highlighting the attributes of the family car.

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  Comfortable upgrade: increase the electric adjustment of the passenger seat and the heating function of the front seat, increase the punching process of the integrated sports luxury seat to improve the heat dissipation, and relax the cloud seat cushion to greatly improve the ride comfort, so that you are not tired after sitting for a long time.

  Zhilian Evolution: In line with the market voice, the 2023 Champion Edition upgraded the 8.8-inch floating instrument with rich functions and larger "vision". The newly equipped DiLink 4.0 intelligent network connection system has a more beautiful UI interface and faster voice recognition.

  Audio-visual advanced: upgrade the 8-speaker hi-fi system, adopt full range to perfect sound effect adjustment, and comprehensively advance in six dimensions: balance, brightness, clarity, resolution, sound field height and presence.

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  Whether a car is good or not depends on listening to the voice of the user. Ten "Di Fen" came to the scene to cheer for the release of Qin PLUS DM-i Champion Edition while delivering the new car.

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  On-site "Difen" drove enthusiastically, punched in the Bird’s Nest and other representatives of Beijing, and the tide car won the scenery and set each other off.

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  At the press conference, a car owner expressed his love for this car. "In fact, most people have to look at many brands when buying a car, but I have already locked in the goal at the beginning of buying a car, that is, buying BYD. Everyone knows that BYD’s technology must be second to none among our domestic cars. When I learned that Qin’s car can be licensed as a green brand, and its full battery life can reach 1245 kilometers, I was very surprised. What’s more, it is also very fuel-efficient. The fuel consumption per 100 kilometers is 3.8L, which is more economical than that of fuel cars, and the cruising range is longer than that of pure trams. For our car owners, what is saved is earned, so I think I have no reason not to choose Qin Plus DM-.

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Byd owner

  With the release of Qin PLUS DM-i Champion Edition, the era of China brand has arrived! (Photo courtesy of BYD)