Feng Timo, the first sister of the original Douyu: From being a star to being unnoticed, what has she experienced?

Nowadays, with the development of the Internet, many Internet celebrities make more money than celebrities. In order to make money and brush their fame, many celebrities have to go to the photo room of Internet celebrities to sell goods.

For example, Li Jiaqi, Weiya, etc. are all well-known live streaming hosts, and they often see many different stars in their appearances.

Although the boundaries between Internet celebrities and celebrities have blurred, two or three years ago, the status of Internet celebrities was far inferior to that of celebrities.

The previous photo sales were not very popular, so many Internet celebrities want to be popular, they must have certain talents to enter the audience’s sight.

Therefore, it is not easy for a former Internet celebrity to become a celebrity, but one person has achieved it.

This person is Feng Timo. Speaking of Feng Timo, I believe many people will think of a jingle.

"Heavenly King Gai Dihu, Timo 1.5 meters" This is the height of the majority of netizens ridiculing Feng Timo, and both adults and children once knew this sentence.

This sentence can be regarded as a symbol of Feng Timo’s popularity. Although Feng Timo is not tall, only 1.5 meters, his popularity is very high.

Just like Pan Changjiang’s famous saying "Concentration is the essence", Feng Timo is a typical example. He is not tall, but his talent and appearance are quite good. Jiaojiao Xiaoxiao gives people a bright feeling.

During Feng Timo’s peak, he once became a celebrity, and many well-known variety shows would invite Feng Timo.

In the era when Internet celebrities were far inferior to celebrities, the appearance of Feng Timo broke this situation.

Many netizens have said that the star is just so, Internet celebrities can also have spring, red fruit star is not a problem.

However, Feng Timo, who used to be so red that he even held a solo concert, has disappeared in recent years and no one cares.

Although Feng Timo is an Internet celebrity, his education is still good, and he studied broadcasting at Beijing Normal University Zhuhai Branch.

It is precisely because of the broadcast professional that Feng Timo laid the foundation for becoming a female live streaming host.

In school, Feng Timo often participated in singing competitions, and his voice and singing ability were recognized by his vocal teacher.

Because of his good looks, Feng Timo slowly began to appear in the camera and sang in the camera every day.

But the road to Internet celebrity is not an easy one, and like most people, Feng Timo’s appearances are pitifully small.

However, Feng Timo did not give up because of this, but insisted on making a film. Because he likes music, he likes to share his singing with everyone.

Feng Timo is very beautiful, plus she is petite and can act cute, and her voice is also very nice.

After a long time, Feng Timo’s fans have become more and more popular, and the song "Chicken Beep Beep" has been loved by the majority of straight men.

Gradually, Feng Timo became the living signboard of the platform of Douyu at that time, and later he sat firmly in the position of "First Sister Douyu".

Although Feng Timo’s popularity at that time was not inferior to that of a star, Feng Timo was always an Internet celebrity, and there was no representative work, and all his works were covers.

After gaining popularity, Feng Timo wanted to try to get rid of his Internet celebrity status and officially transform into a star.

Before, Feng Timo was covering other people’s works. After becoming a star, Feng Timo began to produce his own original works and held a solo concert.

Because he is busy with transformation, the number of appearances of Feng Timo has decreased. The difference between Internet celebrities and celebrities is that Internet celebrities are more down-to-earth and rely on appearances to mix faces.

As Feng Timo’s number of appearances decreased, Feng Timo’s popularity gradually began to decline.

However, Huangtian lived up to his heart, and Feng Timo finally released his own original song "Buddhist Girl" because of his hard work.

This song is believed to have been heard by many people, and its brisk tone is in line with Feng Timo’s style.

With the explosion of the song "Buddhist Girl", Feng Timo also officially entered the entertainment industry.

Feng Timo became the guest of honor at various galas and variety shows. Even the variety shows that stars like Happy Camp and Everyday Up wanted to be on also invited Feng Timo.

For a time, Feng Timo overshadowed the celebrities, and even many programs used Feng Timo to gain popularity when promoting.

However, Internet celebrities and celebrities are different after all. As Feng Timo entered major variety shows and shared the same stage with many stars, Feng Timo’s shortcomings were also exposed.

The first was the issue of height. Celebrities in the entertainment industry were generally 1.6 meters tall, and Feng Timo, who was 1.5 meters tall, lost in terms of height.

In addition to height, temperament and appearance have been hit by many stars, so Feng Timo’s transformation is stuck between Internet celebrities and stars.

On the road of transformation, Feng Timo ultimately failed, and later broke the contract with his own filming platform.

Without the blessing of the platform, coupled with the failure of the transformation, Feng Timo slowly disappeared, and there was no news.

Now, Feng Timo has withdrawn from the audience’s sight. Even when the Internet is so popular, Feng Timo has not appeared.

Some netizens speculated that Feng Timo had earned enough money to retire, but some netizens said that it was because Feng Timo had lost popularity, and the result was the same whether he appeared or not. It was better to disappear.

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