Polish Baidu’s golden signboard and inject new momentum into its transformation and development

The picture shows the signing ceremony of the second phase cooperation agreement of Baidu Cloud Computing (Yangquan) Center project. Photo by Wang Wei

The picture shows the construction site of the second phase of the Baidu Cloud Computing (Yangquan) Center project. Photo by Jin Xianghua

The picture shows the signing ceremony of the project cooperation agreement of Shanxi (Yangquan) Autonomous Vehicle Road Collaboration Demonstration Zone. Photo by Wang Wei

The picture shows Gao Yonghong, Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of Yangquan Economic and Technological Development Zone, accompanying Baidu Company, Baidu Company Partners and relevant heads of upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain to visit the project site of Yungu Science and Technology Innovation Park. Photo by Wang Wei

    On November 21, the signing ceremony of the second phase cooperation agreement of Baidu Cloud Computing (Yangquan) Center Project and the project cooperation agreement of Shanxi (Yangquan) Autonomous Vehicle Road Collaboration Demonstration Zone was held in Yangquan Economic and Technological Development Zone. On the same day, the second phase of Baidu Cloud Computing (Yangquan) Center also held a groundbreaking ceremony.

    In recent years, Yangquan Economic and Technological Development Zone has seized the opportunity granted by the state to the pilot construction of Yangquan Intelligent Internet of Things application base, taken big data and intelligent Internet of Things application as an important breakthrough point for industrial transformation and upgrading, played the role of Baidu brand demonstration and driving, vigorously developed a new generation of information technology industry, and injected new momentum into Yangquan’s transformation and development.

    The cooperation will be upgraded again, opening the "Double Heart Era"

    Although many people know that Baidu Netdisk provides 2T usage space to help people backup data such as photos and videos, what few people know is where this 2T data is stored? Baidu has established a cloud computing center in Yangquan, and this cloud computing center is the gathering place for countless 2T.

    In 2012, the Baidu Cloud Computing Center project officially settled in Yangquan. In addition to founder Robin Li’s hometown love, energy has become a major advantage for Baidu to favor Yangquan: electricity costs account for 60% -70% of the operating costs of data centers across the country, and abundant power and water supply are essential conditions.

    Zhang Binghua, general manager of Baidu Systems Department, introduced that in addition to the cost of water and electricity, the factors to consider in the location of the data center include: environmental and geographical conditions, which must be far away from natural disaster areas, and the climate is suitable; good network technology conditions, which can be connected to the operator’s backbone network, with super-large-scale network throughput capacity; convenient transportation, which is conducive to personnel exchange and facility supply; good humanistic environment, which can provide the required professional talents; especially importantly, the local government provides strong support, which is conducive to long-term operation.

    In 2014, modules 2 and 4 were officially put into operation. Since then, Yangquan Cloud Computing Center has continued to grow its computing power at the speed of two modules a year. In January 2018, it became the first single data center in China with a server scale exceeding 100,000 units.

    The Baidu Cloud Computing Center project is the first large-scale data center project built by Baidu, which can host 160,000 servers and is at the leading level in Asia in terms of data storage scale, computing power and environmental protection and energy saving.

    Since the first phase of Baidu Cloud Computing (Yangquan) Center was completed and put into operation, it has achieved safe and stable operation. Especially with the gradual deepening of cooperation, projects such as Baidu Innovation Center, AI City, and Car-Road Collaboration Demonstration Zone have been successfully advanced, driving the development of new business models. Sanhe SDIC Call Center, Yikang Xinyue Intelligent Wearable Medical Equipment, etc. have successively settled in the development zone, injecting new impetus and vitality into the transformation and development of the development zone.

    The second phase of the expansion and construction project will open Yangquan’s "double-heart era" with more powerful computing power, making Baidu’s "technical base" in the era of intelligent economy more solid, and will provide strong support for Baidu’s search + information flow, intelligent cloud, Xiaodu, Baidu map, artificial intelligence, intelligent driving and other important businesses, and effectively promote the development of our city’s big data industry.

    It is understood that the Baidu Cloud Computing (Yangquan) Center Project Phase II total investment of 1.40 billion yuan, the construction content includes two data room buildings, each with two modules, and 40,000 servers installed. The Shanxi (Yangquan) Autonomous Driving Vehicle Road Collaboration Demonstration Zone project includes two sections and three sub-projects. Urban Road Autonomous Vehicle Road Collaboration and Highway Autonomous Driving Vehicle Road Collaboration (Intelligent Networked Heavy-haul Highway Demonstration Project) and vehicle to everything 5G base station construction projects. Preliminary selection of Baidu Cloud Computing (Yangquan) Center to Yangquan Avenue Yangquan East Toll Station 5 kilometers of urban roads, expressway S45 Liangjiazhai to Chenjiazhuang 13 kilometers in the direction of the implementation of the project construction.

    Baidu joined hands with Yangquan Municipal Government, Shanxi Traffic Control Group, and China Mobile Communications Group Shanxi Co., Ltd. to sign a vehicle-road collaboration demonstration zone project cooperation, further promoting the deep integration of new generation information technology and urban modernization development. According to the agreement, through the construction project of Shanxi Yangquan Autonomous Driving and Vehicle-Road Collaborative Innovation Demonstration Zone, our city will cooperate with Baidu and other parties to carry out "autonomous driving + vehicle-road collaboration" demonstration applications, integrating cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, V2X, 5G, and edge computing, providing strong support for autonomous driving technology verification, test evaluation, and operation services.

    Advance connectivity to power the digital economy

    Before signing the contract and launching a series of activities, the guests visited the Cloud Valley Science and Technology Park, which is connected to the Baidu Cloud Computing Center.

    Relying on Baidu Cloud Computing Center, the park will create a "big data + service outsourcing + financial services" industrial cluster. According to the design, Yungu Science and Technology Innovation Park will be built into a "multi-functional, ecological, and chain-wide" business service complex with big data and Internet of Things technology as the core, integrating innovation center, financial port, headquarters economy, R & D center, comprehensive convention and exhibition center, big data operation center, big data management center, hotel (apartment) and business conference facilities, LOFT office and cultural services. It is specifically summarized as "five valleys and one center", that is, cultivation valley, financial valley, data valley, talent valley, exhibition valley and urban operation center.

    According to the person in charge of Shanxi Yiyun Xinyu Information Technology Co., Ltd., in September 2018, the Yungu Science and Technology Innovation Park project officially started construction. The project is divided into two phases. The first phase plans to build a 23-story Baidu Innovation Center, an 18-story Financial Port, and a comprehensive convention and exhibition center. At present, the foundation treatment and 20,000 square meters of basement have been completed. Baidu Innovation Center has completed 17 floors of the main body, the financial port has completed 11 floors of the main body, and the comprehensive convention and exhibition center has 3 floors capped.

    Subsequent to the Yangquan · Baidu Big Data Industry Collaboration and Development Symposium, Baidu, Baidu upstream and downstream industry chain business leaders and other attendees made speeches, expressing their intention to strengthen cooperation and exchanges with our city, promote Yangquan Economic and Technological Development Zone to move towards the goal of a national-level economic and Technological Development Zone, achieve a good situation of win-win cooperation, and promote the high-quality development of Yangquan’s economy.

    Zhang Binghua said that the development of Baidu’s business in Yangquan has proved that the Yangquan Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Government and Development Zone attach great importance to investment enterprises, and also proved that the business environment and policy environment in Yangquan City are suitable for investment and business.

    Flextronics is one of the world’s largest electronics manufacturers and hopes to work with Yangquan and Baidu in the future to contribute to the high-quality development of Yangquan’s economy, said Xia Zhen, global vice president of Baidu’s partner company.

    Gao Yonghong, Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of Yangquan Economic and Technological Development Zone, made an industrial policy promotion at the Baidu Yangquan Big Data Industry Collaborative Development Symposium, and introduced in detail the platform building, institutional mechanism, and policy system of the development zone. He said that for Baidu partners and supply chain enterprises, policies will be tailored to achieve "optimal" and "fastest" policies under the same conditions, so that everyone can start a business and develop smoothly in the development zone.

    At the signing ceremony of the second phase of the Baidu Cloud Computing (Yangquan) Center project and the Shanxi (Yangquan) Autonomous Vehicle Road Collaboration Demonstration Zone project, the municipal government, Baidu Company, Shanxi Traffic Control Group, and China Mobile Communication Group Shanxi Co., Ltd. jointly signed the Shanxi (Yangquan) Autonomous Vehicle Road Collaboration Demonstration Zone project cooperation agreement. The municipal government and the relevant person in charge of Baidu Company signed the second phase of the Baidu Cloud Computing (Yangquan) Center project cooperation agreement.

    The official signing of the project is another major achievement of the in-depth cooperation between Baidu and Yangquan, marking a new step for Yangquan to build an intelligent Internet of Things application demonstration base.

    The heads of Baidu Company, Shanxi Traffic Control Group, and China Mobile Shanxi Company expressed their intention to give full play to their respective talents, technologies, and other advantages, strengthen cooperation with relevant parties in Yangquan, fully promote the implementation of the project, and strive to contribute to the transformation and development of Yangquan.

    After signing the contract, Baidu Yangquan Cloud Computing Center (Phase II) held a groundbreaking ceremony. This is another large-scale cloud computing center that Baidu has landed in our city after the first phase of the project, marking the upgrade of Baidu’s cloud computing center in our city and the further "territorial expansion" of the national infrastructure.

    Seize the opportunity and rise to the "cloud" like a rainbow

    In recent years, the municipal party committee and municipal government have attached great importance to the pilot construction of big data and intelligent Internet of Things bases. In 2013, our city was identified as a national "smart city" construction pilot city by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Ministry of Science and Technology. In 2017, the State Council Document No. 42 explicitly proposed to support the pilot construction of Shanxi (Yangquan) intelligent Internet of Things application base.

    In order to strive to create the "main battlefield" and "main engine" of transformation and development, in recent years, the development zone has adhered to the new generation of information technology as the key direction of transformation and development, grasped the opportunities of national and provincial policies, positioned high points, planned scientifically, and actively explored the development path of big data and intelligent Internet of Things. The development zone has initially formed three leading industries of new generation information technology, modern equipment manufacturing, and new materials.

    On October 13, 2017, Baidu (Yangquan) Innovation Center was unveiled. The center was jointly established by Yangquan Economic and Technological Development Zone, Beijing Baidu Netcom Technology Co., Ltd., and Shanxi Yunhai Zhongxing Technology Co., Ltd. It is an important part of Baidu’s innovation strategic layout. It is also one of the first nine innovation centers set up by Baidu. It is the only one in our province. At the same time, relying on Baidu’s brand, talent, technology, capital and other advantages, with Baidu Cloud Technology as the technical core and Shanghai Xiaoma Entrepreneurship Village operation team as the operation basis, it provides services such as entrepreneurial information guidance and resource docking.

    Gao Yonghong said that the pilot project of building an intelligent Internet of Things application base in Yangquan has put forward new requirements for the transformation and development of the development zone, and also brought new opportunities to the enterprises in the zone. Baidu Cloud Computing Phase II project and the autonomous vehicle-road coordination project are all major projects in the construction of Yangquan Intelligent Internet of Things application base. In particular, Baidu Cloud Computing (Yangquan) Center is at the first-class level in Asia in terms of data storage scale, computing power, environmental protection and energy saving, and is a demonstration and support for the industrial development of the development zone.

    The next step will be to seize the opportunities for the development of the digital economy in the province, polish Baidu’s golden signboard, and carry out practical cooperation with Baidu at a deeper level, give full play to the leading role, attract more Internet companies to land, and help transformation and upgrading. At the same time, we will go all out to support project construction, provide the best quality services in project construction, factor protection, environmental creation, etc., to ensure that the project is put into operation as scheduled and effective.

    Cui Shanshan, vice president of Baidu, said that the second phase of the project is a continuation of the first phase of the project between Baidu and "hometown" Yangquan. With the rise of "intelligence +" as a national strategy, Baidu Intelligent Cloud Computing Center, as a booster for Baidu in the AI era, supports Baidu AI to play a greater role in innovation and social and economic value. Based on a good cooperation foundation, Baidu has carried out demonstration applications of autonomous driving and vehicle-road coordination in Yangquan, providing strong support for autonomous driving technology verification testing, evaluation and operation services. The implementation of the project will help Yangquan become a leader in the autonomous driving industry in Shanxi Province, an innovation gathering place and an ecological demonstration city. (Shi Zhaohui)


Release the new vitality of the urban economy through dynamic change

□ Micro, degree

    The vitality of a city comes from the productive forces of the city. The rapid and full development of traditional industries has brought remarkable results to the economic and social development of our city. Entering the new era and achieving new breakthroughs on the basis of "two transitions", we must implement the five development concepts, drive the new vitality of the urban economy with dynamic changes, and accelerate the improvement of the city’s energy level and the core competitiveness of the urban economy.

    A few days ago, the second phase cooperation agreement of Baidu Cloud Computing (Yangquan) Center Project and the project cooperation agreement of Shanxi (Yangquan) Autonomous Vehicle Road Collaboration Demonstration Zone were signed in Yangquan Economic and Technological Development Zone. This is another major achievement of Baidu’s in-depth cooperation with our city, marking a new step for our city to build an intelligent Internet of Things application demonstration base. In recent years, the development zone has adhered to innovation-driven and technology-led in project construction and platform building, and realized the improvement of carrying capacity and the accumulation of development potential. This also shows that the renewal of urban productivity must further promote the transformation of power.

    Dynamic change requires a change in thinking as a guide. To promote the transformation and development of a resource-based economy, we must open the situation with a living mindset; to give play to the leading role of development zones in the municipal economy, we should have a broad vision and advanced thinking. The broader the thinking, the wider the way out; the higher the vision, the easier it is to connect with first-class. To adapt to the new development pattern, we must adhere to the implementation and in-depth understanding of the supreme leader’s thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. We must not forget our original intention and keep our mission in mind, reform and innovate, work hard, emancipate our minds and improve our thinking. In the practice of new development concepts and transformation and rise, we should absorb spiritual strength and strengthen spiritual support.

    Dynamic change requires in-depth changes in the role of the government. In recent years, the development zone has taken the lead in the reform of "decentralization, management and service efficiency". In particular, this year, it took the lead in implementing the enterprise investment project commitment system in the province, reflecting the firm determination and efficient execution of the government’s role change. A good business environment is productivity, and to enhance this productivity, we must deeply understand the role of the government, be a sincere "service provider", a professional "service provider", and an enthusiastic "service provider", and constantly work hard to improve the efficiency of input and output, and to improve the ability to allocate resources.

    Dynamic change requires carrying capacity as a guarantee. Economic carrying capacity is the concentrated expression of capacity, vitality, competitiveness and influence, and is the key ability to drive the development of the urban economy. Pay close attention to investment attraction and project construction, and build a modern economic system. It is urgent to strengthen and update the urban carrying capacity, and require the general improvement of citizens’ production skills and civilization quality. Focusing on the goal of "six major breakthroughs in cohesion, to achieve transformation and rise", we must promote innovation-driven by making up for shortcomings and weaknesses, and to coordinate the relationship between production, life and ecology with the improvement of urban energy level, so that the urban economy can have unique competitiveness.