Taxi driver says "you will be fined for running a red light" refuses to give way to fire truck

  A taxi driver in Yulin, Guangxi, refused to give way to a fire truck on the grounds that "you will be fined for running a red light". Yesterday, a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily learned from the taxi driver’s company that the company had criticized and educated the driver, and the local traffic police also fined the taxi driver 200 yuan and 3 points in accordance with relevant regulations.


  Taxi is afraid of running a red light

  Block the fire truck at the intersection

  On the evening of May 15, the Guangxi Fire Rescue Corps posted a message on Weibo with a video saying that at 16:41 on the 13th, the second fire truck that responded to the police arrived at the intersection of the incident and was blocked by two taxis waiting for a red light. Then, the fire truck turned on the warning light and kept honking, but the front taxi did not respond. During this time, firefighters got out of the car to communicate with the driver of the first taxi, but the driver did not drive away until the taxi left at about 16:42:40.

  According to the fire department, it was delayed on the way to the police, but fortunately the fire did not cause any casualties.

  On the afternoon of the 14th, the taxi driver who "blocked the road" came to the traffic police brigade to be punished. The driver said that he did not avoid the fire truck because he would be fined for running a red light.


  The driver has no avoidance behavior

  Fine of 200 yuan and 3 points

  Guangxi traffic police WeChat official account shows that on May 14, Yulin traffic police notified two taxi drivers to check. The rear taxi driver Zhong said that after hearing the fire truck siren, he moved the vehicle to avoid it, but because the front car has not moved, he cannot move the vehicle.

  At 4 p.m. on the 14th, Ou, a taxi driver in front of him, came to the traffic police brigade. He also thought that he was notified by the traffic police to accept the punishment because he ran a red light. "I ran a red light because the firefighters asked me to give way." Later, the traffic police explained to him the reason for the fine of 200 yuan and the penalty of 3 points, because he did not avoid the special vehicles performing emergency tasks.

  The police pointed out that the "Road Traffic Safety Law" clearly stipulates: "When encountering police cars, fire engines, ambulances, and engineering rescue vehicles performing emergency tasks, under the premise of ensuring safety, they are not restricted by the driving route, driving direction, driving speed and signal lights. Other vehicles and pedestrians should give way."

  In addition to the Road Traffic Safety Law, Article 50 of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law also clearly stipulates that "those who obstruct the passage of fire engines, ambulances, engineering emergency vehicles, police cars and other vehicles performing emergency tasks shall be given a warning or a fine of not more than 200 yuan; if the circumstances are serious, they shall be detained for not less than 5 days but not more than 10 days, and a fine of not more than 500 yuan may be imposed concurrently."

  It is reported that the driver Zhong took the initiative to avoid the fire truck, so he was not punished.


  Emergency avoidance of special vehicles

  Will not be entered into the illegal system

  As for the questions raised by netizens about what to do if they are punished for evading, the Guangxi traffic police also said that if they are punished for miscarriage of justice, the driver can appeal. Under normal circumstances, after the "electronic police" capture, they must also be reviewed by the police. The behavior of evading special vehicles in emergency situations will not be entered into the traffic violation system. If you receive a ticket, you can go to the traffic police brigade’s illegal handling hall to file an administrative reconsideration, and the punishment can be revoked after verification.

  In addition, the Guangxi traffic police also introduced several ways to avoid special vehicles, including "running a red light" to avoid, that is, in the case of a red light, the front car in the same lane as the special vehicle can pass the stop line and stop on the right to give way to the ambulance under the premise of ensuring the safety of pedestrians; there are also lane changes to avoid, such as traffic congestion, if you want to change lanes to give way, you can turn the lights to each side according to the situation, and give up the middle position to the special vehicle; the most sides of the car can even climb the road edge to make way for the middle passage; pull over to avoid, that is, there is only one lane on the same road section, and pull over in time when conditions permit.

  Beijing Youth Daily reporter, Guo Linlin