How miserable is unrequited love? Lin Junjie has chased Tian Fuzhen for 14 years, but he is not as good as Wang Sulong!

Speaking of Lin Junjie, I think everyone knows him very well. He is a very powerful male singer in the Chinese music scene. He has also brought us many excellent songs over the years, and he has maintained a high popularity for so many years after his debut. Lin Junjie is undoubtedly very successful in his career, but emotionally he has not been able to get what he wants.

Those who are familiar with Lin Junjie know that he has been chasing Tian Fuzhen for 14 years. It is said that many of his songs are related to Tian Fuzhen, but Lin Junjie, who is so devoted, was rejected. Lin Junjie expressed his admiration for Tian Fuzhen in his early years, and later wrote many songs for Tian Fuzhen’s band SHE. Perhaps the more he liked her, the more afraid he was of being rejected. At first, Lin Junjie didn’t even dare to ask her for her phone number.

Lin Junjie’s admiration for Tian Fuzhen can be seen from the discerning person, but when the media asked her about it before, she said: "We don’t know each other very well." This sentence can be said to be very hurtful. But Lin Junjie did not give up his love for her because of this. He always remembers her birthday and sends her a message on time every year to celebrate it.

Lin Junjie’s efforts were never rewarded, but when Tian Fuzhen participated in a variety show, he actually sang with Wang Sulong, which also attracted the attention of many people. Many netizens said that Lin Junjie was so miserable, and his heart probably bled when he saw this scene. Holding hands and singing is normal for artists, but it may be a real blow to Lin Junjie.

Tian Fuzhen is also a very powerful singer. Even after his personal career ended, he still maintained a high popularity, and many of his songs were also very popular. In the eyes of the outside world, the two can be said to be beautiful and talented, and fans hope that they can be together without any problems. However, emotional affairs should be allowed to take their course, not forced.

No matter what, I still hope that these two people can have a good development in the entertainment industry in the future, and can also create more beautiful songs for fans. What do you think of this matter? Welcome to leave your opinions in the comment area and discuss with netizens!

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