Humanities documentary "But There Are Books 2" goes LIVE Hu Ge as the voice

1905 movie network news Recently, the humanistic documentary "But There Are Books 2" was launched on the Internet. This season, Luo Yingluan will continue to serve as the general director, as the voice director, and as the voice actor. Since the documentary "But There Are Books 2" was announced and released as a trailer, it has attracted a lot of fans’ expectations.

"But There Are Books 2" takes the book as the theme, trying to record all kinds of book lovers in this era in the moment of diverse and fragmented reading, and capture the wonderful stories related to books. At the same time, with fresh and interesting perspectives and stories, the audience’s love for books is reignited, providing people with a reading guide in the fast age. 

The new season, based on the "strong connection" of books, extends "books" outward, with fresh and interesting "little people" perspectives, telling people and things from all walks of life related to books. In this season, not only the theme of editors and translators that were widely praised in the previous season has been retained, but also the stories of cartoonists, librarians, writers and other industry practitioners have been incorporated.

Through the lens, the audience will see the librarians who have paid silently for the development and construction of China’s book industry; the cartoonists who have been constantly creative in the field of national manga and constantly breaking through themselves; the "peerless masters" who are invisible in the translation martial arts; and the editors who work together to find the idealism and the spirit of being willing to sit on the bench that are missing in this era; go to the literary scene to understand the story and original intention behind the writer’s creation; measure China with the author’s footsteps, and feel the great mountains and rivers of the motherland with words.


After 95, the monk Jiumi learned the importance of reading for life while studying abroad, and believed that the best way to sustainably change a region was through education. After that, he resolutely returned to the grassland to establish the first public welfare library, allowing children to see more possibilities in the future and use education to change their lives and future. 

Liang Hong, a professor at the National People’s Congress, is dedicated to the study of modern and contemporary Chinese literature. In order to complete the complete book on the countryside, he returned to his hometown to find answers and gain strength from the land that once symbolized poverty and backwardness, and to speak up for the women who had been "erased". Let them gather in the book, laugh and live as much as possible. 

"But There Are Books 2" allows more viewers to see some groups that they did not know before in a warm story through the hundreds of lives behind the books. What constitutes the grand "feelings" are countless small and fresh "little people". Their silent efforts for good books and unsparing efforts for culture awaken every heart that wants to read but cannot find the real motivation to open the first page of the book.

As the director Luo Yingluan said, "Reading doesn’t have to be defined as something elegant. It can be just a way to pass the time, or a solace in a tired life. While paying tribute to book lovers, it is the most important role of this film to arouse public interest in reading."