During the epidemic prevention and control period, Chengdu guarantees the "vegetable basket" like this.

On September 7, at Chengdu Yimin Vegetable Market Dongyuan Store, all kinds of vegetables were in sufficient supply. Photo courtesy of Chengdu Yimin Group

On September 8, at the entrance of Chengdu Splendid Oriental Community, the mobile vegetable market opened by Chengdu Yimin Group is convenient for residents to purchase at their doorstep. Reporter, Lu Chunyang, photo

On the evening of September 7, the Chengdu novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic prevention and control headquarters issued a notice that 16 low-risk areas in districts and counties, each household can arrange 1 person every two days with a negative nucleic acid test within 24 hours, under the premise of doing a good job of self-protection, go out alone once to buy living materials nearby, and the time is controlled within 2 hours.

After the announcement was issued, the most concern was whether the supply of rice, noodles, grains, fruits and vegetables, eggs and meat was guaranteed. Recently, the reporter visited some supermarkets, mobile vegetable markets, and agricultural product wholesale markets in Chengdu to visit the supply of materials in Chengdu.

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The farmers’ market has sufficient goods, and the wholesale market for agricultural products has tried its best to ensure supply

"I have a complete variety of dishes, and there are more than 10 kinds of leaf vegetables." On September 11, at the Gaopan Farmers Market in Chengdu, Sister Wang was busy putting lettuce, cabbage, broccoli and other vegetables on the stall one by one.

She told reporters that the vegetables are from the Chengdu Agricultural Products Center wholesale market, very fresh. Reporters saw in the market, from vegetables, melons and fruits to rice, noodles, grain and oil, dry seasonings, everything.

In Yimin Vegetable Market Dongyuan Store, the shelves were full of all kinds of goods, and there were bags of potatoes, onions and other durable vegetables under the shelves. Under the guidance of volunteers and management staff, the citizens who entered the store orderly purchased vegetables, meat, poultry eggs, aquatic products, cut noodles and other goods, and quickly completed the purchase and left.

Vegetable market goods are abundant, inseparable from the efforts of several agricultural wholesale markets.

"Usually, the daily trading volume of vegetables is 3,500 tons, and the maximum trading volume during the epidemic is 5,000 tons," said He Yongtao, deputy general manager of the wholesale market of Chengdu Agricultural Products Center.

Sichuan Yurun International Agricultural Products Trading Center is also facing huge pressure to ensure supply. "The center usually trades an average of 9,000 tons of vegetables per day, and the volume of transactions surged during the epidemic. At the peak, the volume of vegetables entering the market was 16,000 tons, and the actual daily volume exceeded 20,000 tons." The relevant person in charge of the trading center introduced.

How to ensure market supply? The person in charge explained: "We have contacted more than 40 key suppliers and suppliers to reserve at 2 to 3 times the usual supply volume, and the existing goods are en route."

According to reports, from the end of August to the beginning of September, in response to the growing demand for vegetables, Sichuan Yurun International Agricultural Products Trading Center actively contacted Yunnan, Gansu, Shandong and other major vegetable-producing areas and sources in Sichuan to strengthen the connection between upstream production areas and organize high-quality and stable supply. At the same time, key merchants in the market are required to do a good job in communication and coordination between upstream distributors and growers, and increase shipments to ensure supply and meet the needs of the Chengdu market.

Supermarkets and vegetable markets that directly face consumers have also increased the frequency of replenishment.

After the peak purchase period in the morning, Lan Caiqiong, the manager of Yimin Vegetable Market Dongyuan Store, and market administrators and volunteers closed the store, fully disinfected and sterilized the market, and began to replenish goods at the same time. Lan Caiqiong told reporters: "From September 7th, all stores in Yimin Vegetable Market will close from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm every day to replenish goods, disinfect and sterilize, and welcome citizens who come to purchase in the afternoon with sufficient goods."

The supply team is also expanding. According to the relevant person in charge of Dingdong Maicai, in the front warehouse, Dingdong Maicai continued to add more than 300 employees to join the supply team in the past two days, and went to different regional sites such as Chengdu High-tech Zone, Jinjiang District, Wuhou District, Chenghua District, and Shuangliu District to enrich sorting, distribution and other positions.

Watch "The Last Mile"

"Community peace of mind purchase" group buying group to the community, mobile vegetable market, mobile sales car to the door

According to the notice, the time for residents to buy living materials nearby is controlled within 2 hours. What if there is no large supermarket near their home? What about the elderly who can’t shop online? How to guarantee living materials in the sealed control community?

The Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Commerce actively mobilized and organized 22 guaranteed supply enterprises in the city to carry out group buying and group sending through the method of "Community Peace of Mind Purchase". "Community Peace of Mind Purchase" mobilized the enthusiasm of group owners, building managers, and owners through key regional streets and community mobilization organizations and widely pushed to residents. It organized the collection and purchase of communities and buildings to meet the basic living needs of residents in the sealed control area in terms of fresh vegetables, meat, and fast food box lunches. On the one hand, residents in the sealed control community can purchase online, and on the other hand, there are also vegetable packs directly delivered to residents. Ms. Wu, who lives in Jincheng Fenghui Huilan Pavilion in Jinjiang District, told reporters: "During the closure and control of the community, a total of three vegetable packets were received, including carrots, lettuce, potatoes, onions, garlic, ginger, etc., which are some easy-to-store dishes."

From September 8, Chengdu Yimin Group has set up 25 points in Chengdu High-tech Zone, Chenghua District, Jinjiang District, Wuhou District, Jinniu District, Qingyang District and other places to carry out sales, solving the problem of buying vegetables for residents in surrounding communities without vegetable markets and meeting the needs of citizens to buy vegetables nearby.

Green peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, Chinese cabbage, celery… On the morning of September 9, a mobile sales truck organized by Chengdu Yimin Group pulled seasonal vegetables, meat, eggs, grains and oil to the entrance of the third phase of Ruisheng Wangjiang Oak Forest in Jinjiang District, allowing citizens to buy fresh products at their doorstep.

In order to meet the different needs of citizens, Chengdu Yimin Group conducts mobile sales in two ways: one is vegetable buns based on storage-resistant vegetables; the other is to sell a variety of seasonal vegetables, meat, eggs, grains and oils in a free way. According to reports, mobile sales vehicles serve as an important supplement to Yimin’s vegetable market, with an average daily supply of tens of thousands of catties.

Some properties can also help deliver food to residents’ doorsteps. From September 7, Chengdu Poly Tianyue Residential Property has provided a purchasing service for owners – the owner will send the required dishes to the property, and the property will purchase them uniformly the next morning and then deliver them to the owner’s doorstep. The person in charge of the property in the community said: "Residents send out needs and the property helps to buy food. On the one hand, it can help the elderly in the community to buy food, and on the other hand, it can also reduce the number of times the owner goes out." (Reporter, Lei Qi)