Why did Peng Yuyan go silent?

Original, Ohama, Beidaihe Peach Cannery Film Friars

How long has it been since you saw Peng Yuyan?

Was the last time I saw him the same as Qiao Qiqiao, the bronze-colored car-pulling strong man who was mocked by the group in "First Incense" last year?

So thin

Audiences who dared to go to the cinema to explore the wasteland for domestic literary films may have noticed his performance in "Once Upon a Time in the Tropics".


In today’s increasingly diverse aesthetic standards for girls, only muscles can no longer arouse everyone’s interest. You don’t know if the next hot spot will be Zhang Yu, her father’s boyfriend, Uncle Mai, or the enduring Duan Yihong and Liu Yijun.

He’s our daddy!

But if you go back five years, you need to find a benchmark among domestic muscular men. He is black, strong, lean, and masculine. Peng Yuyan must be the best candidate.

When he first debuted, Peng Yuyan was still a young movie actor with few characteristics.

Thick eyebrows, big eyes, and curly hair, which is the unremarkable flower in those years of Taiwan dramas.

Who first discovered Peng Yuyan’s tough guy charm? It was Lin Chaoxian.

This part, I would like to call Lin Chaoxian flying.

Police king!

Who is Lin Chaoxian, the godfather of Hong Kong police and bandit crime films that can maintain a stable output after Du Qifeng, and now the largest action films in the mainland, war films "Changjin Lake", "Operation Mekong River" and "Operation Red Sea" are all made by him.

Lin Chaoxian’s style is fast-paced and explosive. Gun battles, the whole big screen is filled with fire, bullet shells and male hormones, which is the most suitable for Peng Yuyan’s movie of "separation of soul and body", dedicated to exceeding the limits of human beings in the body.

The focus of the film has never been on literary drama. All Lin Chaoxian needs is a capital image of a tough guy. If the atmosphere is in place, the whole film will be in place.

In his movies, you can find all the tough male protagonists in China, such as Huang Jingyu, Zhang Hanyu, Duan Yihong, Wu Jing.

Peng Yuyan in the Best Actor

Of course, part of the reason is that when Guo Fucheng and Liang Jiahui were in a passionate showdown, Peng Yuyan became the icing on the cake.

The same is true for Jiang Wen’s use of Peng Yuyan in "Evil Does Not Suppress Truth".

Liao Fan and Jiang Wen have been good partners for a long time. After the box office of "One Step Away" Waterloo, Jiang Wen began to reflect on his film.

After thinking about it, he found a box office Band-Aid for himself, which was Peng Yuyan, a muscular man with a Greek aesthetic.

Jiang Wen’s movies have always been the favorite of straight men. In "Evil Does Not Suppress Zhengzheng", he finally got some things that girls like to watch, such as Peng Yuyan, such as Shi Jianqiao’s female revenge, and the box office really rebounded in one fell swoop.

In fact, this thing is not only loved by girls, but also by Jiang Wen himself.

But when Peng Yuyan puts on his clothes, do you still like to watch it?

Shooting and touching

For example, when we mention Sun Honglei, we will think of a big ruthless person, Zhou Xun is an elf girl. But to say a muscular handsome guy, his face may be blurred.

This is not the entire definition of an actor, but a good actor cannot do without it. It is the first step for the audience to remember the actor.

When Peng Yuyan didn’t show his muscles, he was the man with a blurry face.

The Tang Dynasty’s two great dramas, "The Legend of Immortal Sword and Fairy" and "Pocahontas in the Wind", were created by Li Guoli himself. Thinking about it, everyone may remember Hu Ge and Liu Shishi, but not Peng Yuyan.

Hu Ge is a mild-looking male god, Liu Shishi is a stubborn and agile modern girl, only Peng Yuyan, even if he wears strange clothes, we can’t remember who he is.

No matter if Peng Yuyan is a young general with thick eyebrows and big eyes, or an infatuated and resentful child wearing special earrings, you can say that he is special, and he is always not impressed by the characters who show their flesh in those police dramas. Now that Tao thinks about it carefully, it may be the difference between the fabric of the chest and the arm, which is not exposed.

Therefore, everyone’s understanding of Peng Yuyan stayed in his muscles and face, both of which were indispensable. When he did not show his flesh, he acted hard in literary films, but his acting skills did not keep up. As a result, everyone saw it.

In "First Incense", fitness trainer, camel Xiangzi, blast furnace worker, you can’t think of a more suitable word to describe this dark-skinned "fragile" young man. He looked like a triathlete who could carry two girls to swim 20 kilometers. When he whispered in Sister Ma’s ear "I can bring you happiness", he was afraid that his next sentence would be "Swimming and fitness is a joy you can’t imagine".

Just rescued someone

"First Incense" has a score of 5.0, which has become a shame for Xu Anhua’s film career.

As for "Once Upon a Time in the Tropics", there was no need to say more. The rating had just passed, and it was far inferior to several films of the same theme that had received more attention in previous years. No one cared, which showed everyone’s attitude.

At present, it seems that for Peng Yuyan, not showing his muscles is his original sin. When Peng Yuyan appears in a movie without showing his muscles, the movie will become ugly.

Peng Yuyan’s characteristics are already very clear. What are his strengths? It is his handsome appearance and a more sexy figure, but it must be known that Peng Yuyan will be 40 in 2022, and his strengths will become weaknesses.

The Taiwanese accent is useless!

We all know that Peng Yuyan has a Taiwanese accent, but today, the golden age of Taiwanese accents has passed, and "Kiss of Mischief" and "Meteor Garden" are both tears of the times.

The soft Taiwanese accent means that he needs to be dubbed in mainland TV dramas, let alone in literary films with a background in Yunguichuan (the vast majority of domestic literary films).

Literary films really love Yunguichuan dialect

The Hong Kong and Taiwan directors who originally favored him must now pay attention to the mainland box office and use younger and more popular newcomers. He has also lost this natural advantage in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Changjin Lake protagonist lineup

For example, acting and explosive power, do you think he worked hard? He really worked very hard. He went to play a dolphin trainer and got a dolphin trainer’s certificate. He learned sign language in "I Heard" and lost more than 30 catties for playing "Once Upon a Time in the Tropics".

Peach calls this kind of actor a textual actor, who can get a certificate for every movie he plays. The last person to work so hard, Peach remembers, was Daniel Day-Lewis, a three-time Oscar winner and a true drama madman, but all these efforts must be based on acting skills.

Restore the haute couture

He admitted that there was no breakthrough in his acting skills, and every movie was a challenge. The audience was confused. He had worked so hard, why did he still play Peng Yuyan himself in every movie?

So you can see boxing Peng Yuyan, cycling Peng Yuyan, gunfight version Peng Yuyan, Republic of China version Peng Yuyan…

From the character "Peng Yuyan: The body is not important, pain does not exist"

Also, his appearance did not match his age. Looking at Peng Yuyan’s baby face, it was really hard to believe that he was already forty years old.

Nicholas Tse of the same age has become the old leader of China.

At the same age, Yu Wenle became the trendy version of the soldier king.

Only Peng Yuyan or Peng Yuyan.

Now Ting Feng is mainly starring in the side face

The baby face may be a weapon to him in his 20s and 30s, but it may be a curse to him in his 40s.

Can 40-year-old Peng Yuyan still play "Heard and Heard"? Tao’s answer is, yes, but it’s embarrassing.

Lin Zhiying, who is in her thirties, can still play "Shepherd’s Star", and in a few years, she can only play "Where Are You Going, Dad?"

He is no longer competitive in terms of age. Bai Jingting, a post-90s generation, and Jackson Yee, a post-00s generation, are young and have no accent and acting skills.

He has to change the scene and play something unpopular. The confused and wet big dog in "Once Upon a Time in the Tropics" is a good attempt.

After all, the muscle itself is no longer worthy of fascination. The male stars have already rolled up. Which male star does not go to the gym to practice two laps after acting, and shows off his muscles on Weibo on weekends.

To sum up, Peng Yuyan is most suitable for muscle display, simply display, nothing else.

If he wanted to act, he had to find a reason to expose his body. Anyway, he would cover the screen with his bloodshot flesh and smoke everyone with the hormones emitted by his strong body.

His muscles and face are like an old vase, once loved by everyone, but now it has slowly weathered in time that no one cares about.

Like a beloved totem that needs to be replaced over time, who knows who the next Peng Yuyan will be?

Design/Vision: Sturdy

Original title: "Why Did Peng Yuyan Silently Blur"

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